Query endpoints


Returns a JSON objects list Type Popolo Organization.

Returns a businesses or civil associations list. If a reference expansion is specified, memberships and a summary of the organization’s contracts will be listed.



Unique identifier for the business or partnership. Data type: string.


Partial or full name of the business or partnership. Searches for main and alternative names. Data type: string or regular expression.


Number of contracts the business or partnership takes part in. Data type: integer. Default: empty.

Note: supports min and max syntax. For min, use: contract_count.supplier=>10 for max, use: contract_count.supplier=<100. For min and max, it can be used twice: contract_count.supplier=>10&contract_count.supplier=>10.


Amount of the contracts provided by this business. It’s important to note that the amounts are entered as absolute values, disregarding exchange rates. Data type: integer. Default: empty.

Note: supports min and max syntax. For min, use: contract_count.supplier=>10 for max, use: contract_count.supplier=<100. For min and max, it can be used twice: contract_count.supplier=>10&contract_count.supplier=>10.

country (not implemented)

Name or ISO 3166-1 alpha code for the country it belongs to. Data type: string.

source (not implemented)

Name of the source where the info was imported from. Data type: string.


Returns a JSON type objects list [Popolo Organization] (http://www.popoloproject.com/specs/organization.html).

Returns a public institutions list. If a reference expansion is specified, memberships and a summary of the organization’s contracts will be listed.



Unique identifier for the institution. Data type: string.


Institution partial or full name. Searches for main and alternative names. Data type: string or regular expression.

contract_count.supplier and contract_count.buyer

Number of contracts the institution takes part in. Many appear in contracts as buyer and provider; therefore they can be filtered and sorted by both criteria type: integer. Default: empty.

Note: supports min and max syntax. For min, use: contract_count.supplier=>10 for max: contract_count.supplier=<100. For min and max, it can be used twice: contract_count.supplier=>10&contract_count.supplier=>10.

contract_amount.supplier and contract_amount.buyer

Amount of the contracts provided by this institution. Many appear in contracts as buyer and supplier; therefore they can be filtered and sorted by both criteria. It’s important to note that the amounts are entered as absolute values, disregarding exchange rates. Data type: integer. Default: empty.

Note: supports min and max syntax. For min, use: contract_count.supplier=>10 for max: contract_count.supplier=<100. For min and max, it can be used twice: contract_count.supplier=>10&contract_count.supplier=>10.


Returns a JSON type objects list [Popolo Person] (http://www.popoloproject.com/specs/person.html).

If a reference expansion is specified, memberships and a summary of the person’s contracts will be listed.



Unique identifier for the person. Data type: string.


Partial or full name of the person. Searches for main and alternative names. data type: string or regular expression.

contract_count.supplier and contract_count.buyer

Number of contracts the person takes part in. Many appear in contracts as buyer (purchasing agent) and supplier; therefore they can be filtered and sorted by both criteria type: integer. Default: empty.

Note: supports min and max syntax. For min, use: contract_count.supplier=>10 for max, use: contract_count.supplier=<100. For min and max, it can be used twice: contract_count.supplier=>10&contract_count.supplier=>10.

contract_amount.supplier and contract_amount.buyer

Amount of the contracts provided by this person. Many appear in contracts as buyer (purchasing agent) and supplier; therefore they can be filtered and sorted by both criteria. It’s important to note that the amounts are entered as absolute values, disregarding exchange rates. Data type: integer. Default: empty.

Note: supports min and max syntax. For min, use: contract_count.supplier=>10 for max, use: contract_count.supplier=<100. For min and max, it can be used twice: contract_count.supplier=>10&contract_count.supplier=>10.

gender (not implemented)

The sex of the person. Data type: string. Default: all. Possible values: male, female, other. Note: the name ‘gender’ is used to avoid issues with vulgarity filters on automated systems.

country (not implemented)

Name or ISO 3166-1 alpha code for the country it belongs to. Data type: string.

source (not implemented)

Name of the source where the info was imported from. Data type: string.

{ htmlFieldName: “type-a”, apiFieldNames:[”compiledRelease.tender.procurementMethodMxCnet”], fieldLabel:”Tipo de procedimiento”, type:”string”, collections: [”contracts”] }, { htmlFieldName: “size”, apiFieldNames:[”limit”], fieldLabel:”Resultados por página”, type:”integer”, hidden: true, collections: [”all”] }, { htmlFieldName: “page”, apiFieldNames:[”offset”], fieldLabel:”Página”, type:”integer”, hidden: true, collections: [”all”] }, ]


Returns an [OCDS recordPackage] (https://standard.open-contracting.org/latest/en/schema/record_package/). Includes a records list, each with its release (for each source) and its compiledRelease. The latter one is used for filters.



Unique identifier for the contracting process (ocid). Data type: string.

Title: compiledRelease.contracts.title

The title of the contract. Data type: string or regular expression.

Provider: compiledRelease.awards.suppliers.name

Dependency: compiledRelease.parties.memberOf.name

Start date: compiledRelease.contracts.period.startDate

Start date of the contracting processes contract. Data type: date (0000-00-00T00:00:00Z). Default: empty.

End date: compiledRelease.contracts.period.endDate

End date of contracting processes contract. Data type: date (0000-00-00T00:00:00Z). Default: empty.


Nominal amount of a contracting process (sum of all the adjudications of this contract). Data type: float (without thousand separator and point as decimal separator). Default: empty.


The procedure under which the contracting process was made (direct award, tender, etc). Data type: string. Possible values: open, selective, limited, direct. Default: empty.

currency (not implemented)

The currency used to specify the amounts of the contracting processes. Data type: string.


This endpoint generates CSV versions of the former ones. The same query takes place after the /csv.

Example: if we have a contracts search sorted by amount https://api.quienesquien.wiki/v2/contracts?sort=-compiledRelease.total_amount, and we want the result in CSV, we can add /csv/ after v2 and before contracts, like this: https://api.quienesquien.wiki/v2/csv/contracts?sort=-compiledRelease.total_amount

The same applies to any other endpoint.

For each entity type, different tables are generated.


The CSV table has the following columns:

"OCID", records.ocid (Repeated for each contract in a compiledRelase)
"Contract title", records.compiledRelease.contracts.title
"Suppliers name", records.compiledRelease.awards.suppliers.name
"Buyer name", records.compiledRelease.party.name
"Buyer parent", records.compiledRelease.party.memberOf.name
"Total amount", records.compiledRelase.total_amount (sum of all contracts in this compiledRelease)
"Procurement method",records.compiledRelease.tender.procurementMethod
"Start date", records.compiledRelease.contracts.period.startDate
"End date", records.compiledRelease.contracts.period.endDate
"Contract amount", records.compiledRelease.contracts.value.amount
"Contract currency", records.compiledRelease.contracts.value.currency
"Source", records.compiledRelease.source


The CSV table has the following columns:



The CSV table has the following columns:



The CSV table has the following columns:



Returns information about how many entities there are for each source and type in QuienEsQuien.wiki.

It has two objects: one of sources, that has for each source the quantity of elements of each entity type; and another one of collections, that has the quantity of elements of each entity type.

Note: this endpoint is still under construction.